Originally created to help start and support family child care businesses, Wondershool has leveraged its business acumen and technical expertise to expand its services to support shared services and family child care networks. FCCA CEO Hudson is currently serving on Wonderschool's advisory board.

The Alliance was formed in 2019 to help create a collaborative network of organizations and stakeholders to support family child care in Maryland. It is currently piloting a project for the Maryland State Department of Education. This pilot project is testing a model for delivery of publicly funded pre-k in family child care homes. FCCA provides the Alliance with executive management services, board development and grant management.

The Professional Family Child Care Alliance of Georgia is a champion for family child care providers in Georgia. Established in 2013, it serves as the leading voice for family child care providers in Georgia, and lends its voice to national initiatives on behalf of providers across the country. FCCA provides the Alliance with technical assistance and board development..